Showing 1–12 of 13 results

Magnesia alumina spinel hercynite composite brick

Features: Magnesia  spinel  brick  has  good  thermal  shock  stabilty, good  corrosion  resistance, low  thermal expansion  coefficient, low  thermal  conductivity  and  good hexbilty, In  practical  applicaton, the product  is  appllied  to  the  fing  zone, hang   kin  skin  rapidly, kiln crust  thickness  uniformity

Lightweight brick series

Features: With good insulation, lightweight, suitable for various industrial furnace insulation parts. 产品名称Product Name  项目Item Diatamite Heat insulating bicks Clay

Alumina Silicate Pipe

Feature: Aluminum silicate pipe is widely used in high temperature pipe wall lining of power boiler, heat and power steam

Alumina Silicate Refractory Fiber Module

Alumina-silicate Refractory Fiber Module is made of double-sided needled blanket of aluminosilicate refractory 1.Low Thermal Conductivity; 2.Low thermal capacity; 3.Excellent

Magnesia Burner Brick for Reduction Furnace

项目ltems JS-TG-140 JS-TG-150 Al.0,% 65 75 体积密度g/cm³Bulk  density 2.5 2.7 长期使用温度℃ Long-term service temperature 1400 1500 耐火度℃>Refractoriness 1750 1790 耐压强度Pa(110℃×24h)>

Alumina Silicate Plugging Sleeve

Features: Low thermal conductivity, light burst resistance, low heat capacity. Applicationscope: Aluminum melting furnace, static furnace, mixing furnaceetc. 产品代号 Product

Alumina-sllicate Refractory Fiber Blanket

Feature:  Application of fire-resistant wall lining in industrial kilns,boilers and high-temperature equipment; 2.Thermal insulation and insulation of pipes and equipment;

Calcium Silicate Product (Asbestos-free)

Features: Lightweight, low thermal conductivity, high refractoriness and erosion-resistance, asbestos-free calcium silicate product is a kind of white, hard and