Showing 1–12 of 46 results

Direct Bonded Magnesia Chrome Brick

Direct-bonded Magnesia Chrome Brick   Features: Direct bonded magnesia-chrome brick is made of high purity magnesia and chromium concentrate as

Semi-rebonded Fused Magnesia chrome brick

Semi Rebonded Magnesia Chrome Brick Features: Semi Rebonded magnesia chrome brick is a kind of product with good corrosion resistance

Magnesia alumina zircon lanthanum brick

The addtionot rare earth based on tusion magnesia spinel brick and magnesia zirconia brick on (lanthanum oxide)and synthesis,the prodtucthas excellent

Magnesia alumina chrome spinel composite brick

Features: using high purity magnesia, synthetic quality spinels and as the main raw material,after high-pressure forming, high temperature firing of

Magnesia alumina spinel hercynite composite brick

Features: Magnesia  spinel  brick  has  good  thermal  shock  stabilty, good  corrosion  resistance, low  thermal expansion  coefficient, low  thermal  conductivity  and  good hexbilty, In  practical  applicaton, the product  is  appllied  to  the  fing  zone, hang   kin  skin  rapidly, kiln crust  thickness  uniformity

Magnesia olivine brick and magnesium zirconia brick

Features:forsterite brick has a high refractoriness under load and good high temperature creep,corrosion of the alkali metal oxides have a

Magnesia olivine brick, magnesia zirconia brick

Features: Forsterite brick has a high refractoriness under load and good high temperature creep, corrosion of the alkali metal oxides

Anti-stripping alumina brick

Features: High aluminum bricks spalling resistance with good high performance and excellent anti-stripping sex,used for glass kiln of heat-storing room temperature area in. 指标Index  项目Item LXKBL-75 LXKBL-70 Al₂O₃ (%)≥ 75 70 显 气 孔 率

High alumina brick and micro-expansion high alumina brick

  指标Index 项目Item 高铝砖High alumina brick 微膨胀高铝砖Micro expansion high alumina brick LXGL-75 LXGL-65 LXGL-55 LXWPL-75 Al₂O₃ (%)≥ 75 65 55

High Alumina Brick for Electric Furnace Roof

项目 Items 烧成电炉顶砖Fired bricks for roof electric furnace 不 烧 电 炉 顶 砖Unfired bricks for roof electric furnaces DL-80 DL-75 Al₂O₃%≥ 80 75 75 耐火度℃≥Refractorines 1780 1780 1780

Hot Blast Stove silica brick

Features: Hot Blast Stove silica brick has thermal expansion rate is low,residual quartz content, less true density is small,600 ℃

Lightweight brick series

Features: With good insulation, lightweight, suitable for various industrial furnace insulation parts. 产品名称Product Name  项目Item Diatamite Heat insulating bicks Clay