The reasons for the following problems after the construction of refractory castables:
1. Peeling: Generally caused by the formwork being too dry or the surface slag being not cleaned up properly.
2. Rough surface: caused by uneven mixing or poor surface treatment of the formwork.
3. Honeycomb: caused by poor vibration or uneven dryness and wetness of the material.
4. Void: caused by leaky vibration.
5. Too much water in small micropores: excess water is not fully discharged during vibration.
6. Cracks: caused by poor maintenance.
7. Uneven color: caused by short and insufficient mixing time.
8. Sanding: cement failure.
9. Bulging: caused by insufficient rigidity of the formwork and poor pulling and connection.
10. Deformation: caused by unstable formwork.

What are the precautions for construction on rainy days and summer days?
Construction on rainy days should be transferred to indoor work. All materials, transportation tools, work sites and masonry should be protected from rain. Unfinished projects should be covered, holes plugged and leaks blocked. The upper openings of completed furnaces should be closed. The completed ground prefabricated parts should be raised and covered. It is strictly forbidden to soak them in water.
When the ambient temperature is greater than 30℃, it can be regarded as summer construction. During summer construction, the water temperature and material temperature should be controlled below 30℃. Materials exposed to the scorching sun should be cooled before use.
During summer construction, pouring materials should be arranged as much as possible in the morning or evening. After pouring, it should be covered with curtains in time and water should be sprinkled frequently to cool down.