Lianxin’s weekly professional knowledge training starts this week. The main content of this training is the production process of refractory materials. Mr. Zhou personally trains employees.
Mr. Zhou said that general refractory materials usually go through several basic processes such as selecting raw materials, crushing, pulverizing, fine grinding, screening, batching, mixing, molding, drying, and firing, and each stage of the process was carefully and carefully explained. Patiently answer questions raised by employees.

Lianxin’s first refractory product training

refractory product training

The professional training provided by Mr. Zhou has given employees a deeper understanding of refractory materials. The employee representative said that the content of this training was really exciting. I didn’t expect that a refractory brick would have to go through so many strict production processes before it can be used in a kiln. In the follow-up work, we will continue to learn and help more Many customers are preparing to solve problems that arise in high-temperature kilns.
Finally, Mr. Zhou summarized the meeting and determined the content of the next training.