Basic Furnace Lining:

This type of refractory material is mainly made of alkaline oxides. The raw materials of alkaline furnace lining mainly include magnesia, lime, BeO and magnesia-aluminum spinel. Among them, magnesia, CaO, and BeO prefabricated crucibles are mainly used for special purposes. Magnesium ramming materials are suitable for induction furnaces with a small capacity of less than 500kg and are suitable for smelting special steel. This is because magnesia has a large expansion coefficient and poor thermal shock resistance, so it is not suitable for induction furnaces with large capacity and intermittent operation. Add an appropriate amount of A12O3 fine powder to magnesia. The spinel generated at high temperature can inhibit the cracking of the furnace lining. At the same time, its expansion coefficient is smaller than magnesia, and its thermal shock resistance is improved. This material can be used for induction melting of about 1 ton. furnace. Add an appropriate amount of Cr2O3 fine powder to the magnesia-aluminum spinel ramming material. At high temperature, the product and FeO in the slag form complex spinel, (Mg, Fe)O·(Cr, Fe)2O3. On the one hand, it promotes the deformation of the material. Densification, on the other hand, brings into play the excellent erosion properties of chromium spinel to acidic and alkaline slag, improving the corrosion resistance and thermal shock stability of the material. This material is used on stainless steel smelting furnaces with good results.