Lightweight clay brick is a refractory material with a porous structure and low density. Its main features include light weight, high strength, thermal insulation and easy construction. This material is mainly used in the insulation layer of industrial kilns, the masonry of non-load-bearing walls, and occasions that require insulation and high temperature resistance.

Lightweight clay brick

Lightweight clay brick

Lightweight: The volume density of lightweight clay bricks is usually between 0.5-1.3g/cm³, which is much lower than ordinary solid clay bricks, which helps to reduce the weight of building structures.

High strength: Despite the low density, lightweight clay bricks still have high strength by optimizing the material ratio and sintering process to meet the needs of different buildings.

Thermal insulation: The porous structure makes lightweight clay bricks have excellent thermal insulation properties and can effectively isolate heat transfer.

Easy construction: The size and shape are similar to standard bricks, making the construction method similar to traditional red bricks, without the need for special equipment or technology.

Industrial furnace insulation: Lightweight clay bricks are widely used in the insulation layer of industrial furnaces such as ceramic kilns, glass kilns, etc., which can effectively reduce energy consumption and improve the thermal efficiency of the kiln.

Non-load-bearing walls: Due to their light weight and good thermal insulation properties, lightweight clay bricks are suitable for non-load-bearing wall materials, such as indoor partition walls.

High temperature environment insulation: In some high temperature environments, such as steelmaking furnaces, heat treatment furnaces, etc., lightweight clay bricks are also often used in the insulation layer to protect the furnace structure from high temperature damage.

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